Gas Line
Gas Line Replacement — Day One
Waltham, Massachusetts, May 2021
These men are replacing a gas line on Main Street, the busiest street in town. As the foreman explained to me, a water main was replaced in this location a few months ago. The water main is buried deeper than the gas line. Inevitably, the work on the water main undermined support for the gas line, creating a risk of the gas line joints separating. They had no alternative, the foreman told me, but to replace the gas line. These men had been working here since early morning. I came across them in mid-afternoon, and stayed only a few minutes, just long enough to record a small slice of the action. I later learned they would be back the next day to finish the job. See my report on the second day, Gas Line II.

Gas Line

Gas Line

Gas Line Replacement — Day One
